Thursday, April 28, 2011

An unexpected snorkeling

Snorkeling in Japan was never an expected experience for me. I had been living in the country for four years but it never came to my mind to plan a snorkeling trip. That is why this experience happened unplanned.

It was in Okinawa, the south-most prefecture of Japan; consists of many beautiful islands, which only means beautiful beaches. Okinawa University asked my campus to select 8 people to come and be tutors for 80 high school students, Japanese and foreigners who participated in Asian Youth Exchange Program in Okinawa (AYEPO). The program was held for 23 days, moving from one island to another one. Although it’s a youth conference, discussing about water issue, it’s more like an “Exploring Okinawa” for me.

I have been to Okinawa for a holiday trip before, and I fell in love with the place. I thought AYEPO will be free summer holiday, but no, I was required to actually work. Be a tutor, prepare the kids for presentations, be their ‘big sis’ and meetings with other tutors every night. There was even 2-3 days I was sick and felt like my body was burning because of ‘having fun’ with everyone. Yea, the people, especially the kids were so fun to hang out with! They were sooo excited about everything we did in the program.

One thing they so can’t wait was snorkeling in Tokashiki Island, an island in Okinawa. The program provided us with everything, the mask, fins, everything! Except bathing suit of course :)
The coordinators even let us, tutors to come and join the students. Maybe they were afraid the students will drown themselves or lost their way, although I realize we all were equipped by life jackets :P
For a first timer like me, this was a definite not-to-be-missed chance. I brought my swimming suit and was as excited, or even more, as students in my group when choosing the mask and fins. The instructor explained that we will be paired with one person that will be our ‘buddy’. We had to stick together and not lose any sight of our own buddy.

I forgot who my buddy was, but as a tutor, my job was clear enough: I was everyone’s buddy, I need not to lose a sight of them, 10 students of my group. However when we stepped into the water, everything was reversed. I knew at that moment everyone was my buddy. They needed to take care of me, their tutor. They were the one who must not lose a sight of their ‘big sis’.

“Nuna! There’s a sea snake!!”, Ji Hwan, my student from Korea suddenly shouted from behind. I looked into the water with both excitement and fear, wondering what I would see. There was it. Ji Hwan was right, a black and white sea snake with flat tail like the one in Detective Conan comic book. It swam right across our feet. I told everyone nearby about it with extremely loud, panic, voice: “GUYS!! THERE’S A SEA SNAKE BELOW! BE CAREFUL! IT’S DANGEROUS!!”
image thanks to divegallery
The kids didn’t seem to care. Hmph. They were too excited playing underwater. I would be so excited with my snorkeling debut too if no ‘special’ encounter like this. Oh boy!
When I told them about the snake, instead of swimming away, they sunk their masks into the water and tried to follow the poor snake. I started to feel like a kindergarten teacher, haha.
Based on the comic book (yes, a comic book!) I read, sea snake is the most dangerous and venomous snake underwater. That’s why I panicked like a crazy grandma.

When I was still worrying where the snake had gone, my tutor partner, Genta swam to me and said this in Japanese: “Dissa don’t worry. Sea snake won’t bite if we don’t disturb it”
I started to feel stupid, “I thought it’s attacking people type of snake??”
Genta looked so serious now. “Nope, although it’s venomous, it’s pretty tame to people. That’s why some Okinawans even have it for meal”
At that moment, I imagined that slimy little creature slid inside my tummy. Eww!
I should be more careful looking at my sushi menu from now on.

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